Your project, our priority
The best life for you may be….
… make a lot of money,
… or have time to be with your family and friends,
…or having a job that you are passionate about, in which you don't even feel like working
… or have an impact on others or the environment,
…or a combination of all of these!
It doesn't matter what makes you dream. It's possible. (As long as it's legal and not in doubt, calm down! :D)
It's possible. ON ONE CONDITION!
Our e-book available now
This e-book is a simple and precise plan that will help you take control of your next weeks, your next years and make the best choices for your future professional life.
It's for you if:
You must make or change your choice of schools/universities
You need help to choose or specify your future profession
You want a detailed plan to follow during your student years
You want to know what your profile should look like to optimize your chances of employment
Le savais-tu ?
1 étudiant sur 2 rate sa première année d’université ou se réoriente. De nombreux étudiants passent entre 2 et 3 ans à tourner en rond sans réellement savoir où aller. De nombreux jeunes diplômés sont frustrés ou déçus de leur premier emploi.
C’est parce que je n’aimerais pas que tu vives ce genre de situations que je propose de t’aider afin de structurer au mieux ton projet professionnel, et te donner tout le bagage nécessaire pour être prêt à affronter cette vie future !
Who I am?
Kevin Nzue
Founding President
Yunis, 30 years old, Founder of KO'SMART but also quantitative engineer in financial risks in a bank and real estate investor. A while ago I didn't know what I wanted to do. I just knew that I wanted to succeed in my life. I created my own action plan to get there, I still follow this plan but without clear and precise steps I will not have arrived that far.
I accompany future students, students and employees so that they create their professional success and that they can be proud to live the life they want.